Program visual basic bengkel
Program visual basic bengkel

Program visual basic bengkel Program visual basic bengkel

Aplikasi yang kami usulkan berupa NGEBENGKEL yaitu suatu aplikasi pelanggan yang berbasis Android. Kondisi tersebut mendorong kami untuk mengajukan pembuatan suatu aplikasi yang memanfaatkan teknologi informasi untuk membantu PT. Berdasarkan pertiimbangan tersebut, perlu diperlukan aplikasi service kendaraan kerja untuk mencatat dan mengelola data service kendaraan kerja untuk mencatat dan mengelola data service perbaikan dan perawatan kendaraan. Perkembangan teknologi saat ini untuk menggunakan bantuan komputer sebagai salah satu pendukung sistem informasi dan entri data sangat penting dalam dunia bisnis khussnya di bengkel mobil. All of this system functionalities are working as intended according to black box testing method. The result of this development is intended to cater and accommodate the needs of customers for reserving services ahead as well as to find the nearest, most suitable shops for their appointments automatically. This research was done as an attempt to develop a responsive web-based system, starting from its basic infrastructure analysis, built in PHP with standard MySQL database system. This will gradually become a tedious task and requires meticulous book keeping to track a huge numbers of reservations.

Program visual basic bengkel

But, they are done manually by the management, either by direct visits or by call.

Program visual basic bengkel

Nowadays, most of the repair shops provide several means to book and to make a reservation for most customer's intended services. Punctuality is one of the most important factor to every users that uses this kind of service. Offers information on using the Visual Basic command-line compiler, the compiler options, and the Keyword Upgrade tool.Motorbike repair shops are one of the industries which provide services for repairs, tunings, or even providing availability of parts to the customer. Provides reference information about various aspects of Visual Basic programming. Provides links to topics that introduce and discuss important features of Visual Basic, including LINQ and XML literals.Įxplains the interoperability issues associated with creating and using component object model (COM) objects with Visual Basic. In This SectionĬontains documentation on the basic structure and code conventions of Visual Basic, such as naming conventions, comments in code, and limitations within Visual Basic. This guide describes all the major elements of programming with Visual Basic. As with any modern programming language, Visual Basic supports many common programming constructs and language elements.

Program visual basic bengkel